Bimpity bumpity bob.. bob...bbbooobb..
At 5am, we see ourselves on a bumpy ride in a van to Sembalun Village - the starting point of our hike. 3 hours later, we were greeted with a view. Not just any view, but a view that further heightened our determination to conquer this mountain.
Stunning View
All set, we embarked on our journey. "Here. Put on sunblock." He tells me to, as he slapped a generous amount on himself.
"Aiya.. I don't really like to have that icky stuff on myself. We ain't going to shower for the next few days and this is sticky!" I grumbled as I put some on.
Just to be on the safe side, I put some on. I'd rather be sticky than to suffer from sunburnt! The first half of the day was a pleasant, gradual hike through vast open grassland. Often warned that this was the part 'hated' most by hikers because of the intense heat due to the open land, we were fortunate to have fluffy clouds sheltering us from the sun. So much for putting on sunblock!
From the start of the journey..
Plantation at the foothill
Mooo... stop staring at my ass..
Gorgeous Whites
Clouds rolling in
*Dark* clouds rolling in
Between the start at Sembalun Village to Pos 2 Tengengean (1500m), we made a short stop at Pos 1 Pemantauan (1300m) where we fueled ourselves with a couple of biscuits and water. Upon reaching Pos 2 Tengengean, we were served with lunch!
Curry flavoured instant noodle with assortment of vegetables + hardboiled egg
Tadaaa... yup! Happy with my meal!
The little stools that served us at every meal over the next 3 days
We had 6 porters with us who carried all our luggages including tents, sleeping bags, air mattresses, water & food supply. For the team's load, each porter had to shoulder the burden of an average 40kg!
You sure it's that heavy? :)
I had a try at it
After a rest, we were on our way passed Pos 3 Balong (1800m) up to our final destination for the day at Sembalun Crater Rim (2639m).Each step becomes more labourous
Lava once flowed
Beads of sweat
Never too tired to pose for the camera
Rain & Cold
Wet, tired and cold. Brrr...
"Adi! How long more to go?"
"Dekat aje. Normally, about 45 minutes more."
45 minutes!!?
"Adi.. we break for awhile?"
"Bisa... here. Have a bit of biskit before we have dinner up at the rim."
While he opened his packet of biscuits, I opened the supply of power-snack I have left - 2 muesli bars, 1 mini packet of raisins. Hmm... it wasn't much to share around all 6 of us. Jian Wen & Cindy hadn't packed enough power-snacks with them. I handed over a bar to Cindy. She clearly needed it as she was visibly trembling.
One more left...
"Here dear. You can have it. There are more supply in my luggage bag with the porters. Can get more later." I shoved it towards him.
Lickin' good muesli bar!
"Are you okay?"
I glanced behind and smiled feebly back at him. Yeah, I was okay. I have nothing to worry about. You'll be always behind me to pick me up if I were to fall right? ;)
After what felt like eternity (it was just about an hour), we arrived at what I thought was the rim.
I made it! (or so I thought)
Boy, was I wrong! There was more to go! But we were assured by Adi that it was going to be a smooth sailing one. We have arrived at the rim. We just needed to push forward a bit more to reach the camp site. Gritted my teeth, forced a smile, and the spirit was up once again!
More to go?
A lonely dog making its way home
Undeniably Breathtaking
*BIG HUGS....*
I am lucky to have you beside me to share this indescribable wondrous moment :-*
We made it through the first day!